Sunday, November 21, 2004


We were talking lastnight about the huge talking tree in the micmac mall lastnight about how freeky it was and scarey looking. J saw it saying the kids names and we got to talking about how it knows the kids names..must be set up before hand or something..anyway M just told J it was magic..and thats what we choose to beleive..but if I was a kid i would be more scared of it then anything...

Its Sunday afternoon and that means FOOTBALL!!!!! Kansas City is playing tomorrow night and thats pretty much the one i'm interested in but I like to watch the other games as well. So far on my proline ticket I am winning on one and on the other one its for later games. Wasn't right sure if i was gonna get them today but i decided to, so we'll see what happens.

Well tomorrow I have to make my decision about my work. Discussed that lastnight too and it gave me some different views of it and I'll let ya know how that goes tomorrow.

I sent my resume off to curves thru email but it came back cause i wrote down the wrong i'll resend it later. I finished my blanket for Melissa's soon to be baby..I so happy for her. but that means she'll be on maternity leave in 2 weeks and I'll have to make a new buddy at customs (i'm starting on that with carrie).

Got some xmas gifts that I have to get done...were surposed to be for lastyear but i just never got them done and have some here as well that me and jo were surposed to give away a few years ago (2 or 3) but we haven't got them done another month and we'll see if we did them.

Gotta go watch some more football and do some painting.

WoW - If you can't accept losing, you can't win - Vince Lombardi

And Notorious I'm very sorry for forgetting about you in my writing lastnight. It will never happen again.


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