Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Over and over again.

Cause its all in my head, I think about it over and over again. I replay it over and over again, I can't take it, I can't shake it. I can't go on not lovin' you. - Got that song in my head, Nelly and Tim MaGraw.

Well me and Lyd went home this weekend to see the finished prodcut finally of the house. Still didn't have phone hook up, but they got that hooked up today. Stopped in to New Glasgow on the way home and got them some flowers for their house. Got home and Uncle Davy and the family was there for a bit. I took some clothes home to Kerri (and my dresser drawers are still full.) Anyway most of the shirts fit her and the bottoms are still a bit big but she'll grow into them.
Saturday woke up with a headache. Peeled some apples for mom to make some apple pies. Then we went down to TorBay to see the trailer that we used to live in. Then went to Edna and Johns to see their new house.
Went back home and after lunch me and mom helped dad bring in some wood (that we cut lastime we were home). Then Uncle Kenny came up so we got about an hour break. Dad was hauling it on the wheeler and I thought I could while he was talking to Kenny so I hopped on the wheeler and drew a blank as to how to turn it on. His last one you turned the key and pressed the start button but this one didn't have the start button, so I pressed them all and it didn't come on. I couldn't beleive I didn't know how to turn it on....I guess I have never driven his new one since he got it (a bunch of years ago). Anyway we worked till about 7 (dark) and then went up stairs and me and lyd got in our jammies and settled in for a night of relaxiation and then didn't someone knock at the door. It was the neighbours from up the road coming to see the house. I still had my headache so I just said hi and then went into bed and went to sleep. Woke up sunday, went to church and then came back to Halifax. What a nasty drive. I hate driving in the rain, especailly in the nighttime.
Housewarming for mom and dad I think on rememberance day weekend, that night for supper. should be fun.

I have to do reception for the next 2 weeks as MJ is over in Belgim with her hubby. Yesterday sempt like such a long day. My alarm went off and I rolled over and thought "is it friday?" but no...it was only monday. The highlight of yesterday was SQUASH. We did switch the days from Tuesday and Thursday to Monday and Wednesday and possibly Friday (cause none of us ever do anything on friday evening). So D still had some work to do so he came and got the key for us and while we were waiting to change didn't some guy come and ask it we were using both courts and G spoke up and said "not right now" so we let him use it. Then me, G and White took turns playing the winner (kinda cause if we did that then G would have been playing all the time).
So anyway while G and White were playing and i was hanging around and waiting and the guy left (i thought he was all done, but i couldn't practice anyway cause we only had one ball lastnight). Anyway he came back and asked me if I wanted to play. I said "against you?" and hes like "yeh". So I did. Hes pretty good. We didn't play games, we just rallied. So I played for a bit and then I went back to G and White and by that time D was there but he didn't play. So when G and White were done G started in on me about picking up at the squash courts. I had to set him straight in saying that I didn't try and pick him up..hes the one who asked me to play. I have no idea who he is but hes goes to Dal and he looks to be about 10!!!. Sorry for you univeristy students but you all look not even old enough to go to college. (not all of you but most of the ones I seen at Dal recently). So after playing we went home and G was kind enough to not stop at Tims so I couldn't get a coffee cause I was surposed to be quitting. Not for any reason, just to see if I had the decipline to...well turns out that I don't...same as running. TOMORROW! TMORROW!
Looks like its squash time again tomorrow. Hopefully.
This weekend gotta help White and BF to move. I guess they have a few people so it shouldn't be too bad. Gonna get an early start.

I had so much fun today working reception. Its such a nice break from my desk. I try and do my stuff up there but then the phone rings and gets me off track. I still haven't finished Chapter 4 yet. Still 6 more days. Hopefully do some of that tonight..yeh right!

Wilma wasn't very hard hitting around here. Just some wind and rain.

Thanks it for tonight.

DOOM is out. Gotta get to the theatres to see it. I want dessert.


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