Sunday, June 05, 2005

Building a house.

Jo, you think giving over $1500 was bad...wait till its $10,000. Well it wasn't that bad, whenever I look out the window I see MY car...yep I bought it myself. Its Lyds too but its mine. Let me back it up here.
We've been looking for another car cause the corsica is all rusted and won't pass inspeciton in July without some fixing up so we decided to buy a car with my credit line. We looked in Halifax a bit and didn't really see anything. We got our pics done for mothers day cause thats what mom wanted and they came in on June 1 (very nice pic) so we all went down home this weekend (me, jo, lyd, matt & louie). On Sat. we went down to Trimac Toyota to look at cars and I bought a 2001 Carolla. I wasn't too excited when I did it cause I was so tired and after a bit all the cars look the same to me and I have no idea in the world what to look for when picking out a car. Anyway we sat down and discussed the one we wanted and dad did the talking and got it within the price range I was willing to pay. Thanks Daddy.
We were going to go golfing but we were so tired when we got back to Guys. that we decided against it. Sorry Matt and Jo.
Sat. night mom made a delicious supper and then we went over to Grammie L's for a bit and then went home. Then got up today and went to church and then to Venture Coffee Shop in Goldboro for some grub and then we drove home. The more I see my car the more excited I am.
Did I mention that Dad and Mom's house's basement is in? They're on their way to getting their house.

Now on to work things. Its going very, very well..i've been there 3 months already and all is well. I've been accepted into the "cool" group..not really cool but most of these people are around my age (25-35..i think) and are very fun to work with...they invited me out with them on Sat. night and I might go. But you know me...home in bed by midnight. Anyway I was just pleased that they asked me. So not much else going on.

It was warm and sunny for 2 days this week so that was very nice. Summer is coming. The year is going by so, so fast. In another month it will be my b-day. The year 25 started out great with my honey and then it went downhill for a few months and then back uphill again..not with another honey but with finding a job that I love and a car that I lover and making some changes. So it started out great and its ending great. Wonder whats in store for year 26. Wow almost 30..getting so old. How does it feel boys?

Well gonna go do some financing and read a bit of my book and relax cause tomorrow is starting another week. On Tuesday night me and Philip are going to see a movie and then on Thursday night I am invited to Mr. Coopers (livingston) retirement party and then Friday I have an Excel course downtown from 9-4 and then Saturday night I am invited very busy week ahead of me this week...will probably speed by. Speaking of speeding I have crusie control in this car so hopefully no more speeding tickets for me. Oh and we have a CD player as yell...YEAH!!

Have a great week and hopefully write to ya again soon.


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