Saturday, February 02, 2008

Feb 2/08

Surposed to play football this morning at 8am but it was pouring so I canceled it, actually did last night when it started freezing rain. Its now rescheduled for Super bowl Sunday .... YAY!

Woke up this morning pretty early and just layed in bed staring out the window..not much going on but the rain and wind. Eventually crawled out of bed. The apt was nice and quiet cause Lyd was at Robs last night (and she still gone). Made some PB cups for super bowl tomorrow and I thought I'd have a sampler today to taste test one but I didn't so I had to taste test them myself. I can't take them anywhere unless I know their good to eat. It was pretty yummy as always.

Then I did some laundry, put some clean sheet on the bed, cleaned up the apt. I usually do that every week but didn't last Saturday cause i wasn't home all day. I left Lyd's bathroom for her to do...its her turn.

Well not really doing anything much right now, just reading some magazines and I stared Teddy Brushki's book (not sure of the spelling and too lazy to get up and look).

Sorry for the boring post but not in the mood to get into anything interesting today.....I'll save that for another day.


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