Saturday, January 29, 2005


Had a busy but relaxing day..if that makes sense. I woke up with intentions of going to the gym but after I took lyd to work I came back home, showered and went to the grocey store and bought some badly needed food..and it was all healthy..on a health kick..figure I work out almost everyday so I better eat so I can see some results...I can see the beginning of a six pack..haha..anyway so got home, made a ham and lyd called at 2pm saying she was off now (thought she would be off at 4 or 430pm) so went and got her and drove some other people home and then read some fitness magazines that lyd got me and then made supper. I invited Jo and Matt up and boy was it some good. We had ham, mashed potatoes, carrots, swiss chard (which is my favorite), salad, beets, green tomatoe chow chow...yummmmmmm.

Had some good conversation, then they just left so finished up the dishes and now might kick back and watch a movie. (Catch me if you Can..saw it before but don't really remember it). So thats the day I had today. Going to church tomorrow and I think Jo and Bill are coming to..Jo and Matt have plans to go show shoeing tomorrow afternoon so hope that goes well. They'll be some sore on monday.

Cousin Vicky is getting married in April, I think, so theres another wedding to go to (I think we're invited..i'll have to find out for sure..if so that means NEW OUTFIT)

I like weddings but I think I'm gonna like mine the best..whenever that happens. Haven't found him yet but when I do hes gonna be the Bomb!!

The first great step is to like yourself enough to pick someone who likes you, too - Jane O'Reilly.


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